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Final activity of the project was to look for other examples of initiatives of Art of Inclusion of people with disabilities: a way to compare our international work with other similar experiences in the partner Countries. Different perspectives and approaches to the same topic.


Here the results of this work of research:


  • Ability channel is a portal that keeps you updated on the topic of disability through videos, interviews and articles thanks to the actuality of teh medial, paralimpics and technological field for a POSITIVE DISABILITY:


  • K-LAB STORIE DI INCONTRI develops communication projects, thinks and produce design objects, events and performances through the meeting among people from the creative and the business world and the world of disability:


  • Emozionabile is a web platform that collects and organizes strong emotional activities accessible for people with disability:


  • IncontrArti is a project of networking for social inclusion: 3 museums in Mantova and the Department of mental health cooperated for the realization of art workshops addressing people with mental disability and able bodied people; the project is now at its 3rd edition (2017; 2018; 2019)


  • ItaliAccessibile is a blog about disability, community actions, accessible turism, sport for people with disabilities thanks to the networking among several organization and some people with disabilities who write  articles on the topics of the blog, about their personal experiences about travels and accessibility:


  • The Operational Program Thematic Social Inclusion and Employment (PO ISE) aims at "reinforcing the integration of people at risk of poverty and the fight against social exclusion, ensuring the dynamism of innovative measures of social intervention and direct support to the most disadvantaged population groups , active employment policies and other instruments to safeguard social cohesion ", to be pursued through its Thematic Objectives (OT):




  • The Disabled Citizens' Line is a toll-free telephone line specially dedicated to the problems of people with some type of disability, providing information about the rights and supports that these citizens enjoy, namely in areas such as health, social security, housing, equipment and services:



  • The Portugal Affordable website, developed by the Salvador Association, is the national reference guide in providing information on physical accessibility in different types of spaces in Portugal, also offering accessible itineraries, and allowing the interaction and exchange of experiences among the community of people with motor deficiency. At the same time, it intends to be a tool to raise awareness among public and private entities about the importance of promoting accessibility:


  • German Language 0verview on all actual issues of inclusion of persons with various disabilities at Bremen federal region – homepage of the commissioner for affairs of disabled persons Bremen (Landesbehindertenbeauftragter Bremen) 



  • German Language Homepage of an imporant self-help organization of disabled persons at Bremen (part of the international Independent Living movement:












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