Learning material from the virtual mobilities
The project foresee some virtual meetings among the partners where each partner teaches to the learners of the other partners some best practices in the field of art and inclusion; eachpartner organize 6 virtual meetings using digital tools: digital documents, skype conferences and facebook streamings. Below the some summaries ofthe tecniques and tools exchanged.

Weihnachtliche 3 D Karten gestalten
by Diakonie Bremen
Background of the project. Greeting Cards for Christmas are a traditional and popular article which is much better and more valued by receivers with a personal touch and own creative contribution of the sender. Therefor visitors of Wichernhaus ask every pre-Christmas time for new ideas. The house always looks for ways a get cheap material and upcycle waste.
General Description. Participants (visitors of the day center and volunteers) were invited to make, color and decorate the cards according to own ideas. The basic material components are used tetrapack containers for juice, milk – a real “upcycling” effect!
click here to dowload the description of the activity:

Upcycling Fast Printing with Waste Materials by Diakonie Bremen
Waste material from styropor foam or several kinds of drink containers are carved in with a pencil by drawning the desired form. Lines and areas depressed like this are later kept “white” or colorless.
Forms are cut out.
Special print color is applied with a roll on one side of the form. It is now to be seen mirrow-wise.
​Form is pressed hard (hand circling) on paper and motive is applied again mirror-wise on the paper and looks there in the same way like the carved form on the waste paper
click here to dowload the description of the activity:

Line of Life – Line of Europe
by Diakonie Bremen
Background of the project. Art activity ispired to the German artist Friedensreich Hunderwasser's “Line of Hamburg”: a Student activity to cover walls and windows at this institution with a continuous line.
General Description. Starting from the down left corner of a paper a continuous line is drawn - different people using the same or different painting tools are working together, connecting each other’s line.
The line might be led very creatively, but the idea is that no “pockets” are left and all obstacles are encircled by the continuous line
click here to dowload the description of the activity:

Glass painting
by Fundatia Crestina Diakonia Filiala Sfantu Gheorghe
Materials. You have to buy glass paints in several colors, contour (the best is black), brushes for painting, glass pieces, and paper – if it is possible to same format, pencil, print some drawings on the selected topic (we selected the Dragon, as it is the symbol of our city Sfantu Gheorghe)
General Description. Search for a group of motivated participants, who wants to create something special. Search for inspiring model, drawing with dragon, to make the work of PwD’s more easier: every participant has to draw his/her own dragon.Make the contour. Put the drawings under the glass, and draw the outline of the dragon with the contour paint ...
click here to dowload the description of the activity:

Performing the Minotaur myth
by Fundatia Crestina Diakonia Filiala Sfantu Gheorghe
Activity: collecting autumn leaves, building a labyrinth from leaves, gifts for Minotaur /Dragon, party
Topic: Autumn/labyrinth
Description. You have to walk in a park and collect leaves and fruits and nuts. Build a labyrinth from the leaves. Find out who lives in the middle of the labyrinth. Each participant has to give present (fruits/nuts) for the Minotaur /Dragon of the labyrinth. Let's celebrate that we made peace with our gifts with the Dragon/Minotaur.
Before the activity the legend of the Minotaur can be read and after the activity the group can reflect on the meaning of the Labyrinth
click here to dowload the description of the activity:

Coloring the portuguese traditional tails "Azulejo":
by Academia - Centro Social Paroquial dos Santos Mártires
Activity: reproduction of the traditional portuguese tiles by colouring squared pieces of paper.
Topic: portuguese traditional tails "Azulejo"
Description. With the help of the quimic paper, copy the attached tile (15x15 cm) to a white sheet, A4 size, with graphite pencil. Then work around with a thin-tipped marker.With the help of thick-tipped black markers, fill in the inner elements of the Azulejo. Then crop the image with scissors. In the last step, we have to keep all the peaces together to make a pattern.
You can introduce the activity by talking a bit of the art of tile.
click here to dowload the description of the activity:

Coloring the portuguese traditional tails "Azulejo":
by Academia - Centro Social Paroquial dos Santos Mártires
Activity: reproduction of the traditional portuguese tiles by colouring squared pieces of paper.
Topic: portuguese traditional tails "Azulejo"
Description. The technique of painting the traditional Portuguese tile is called "majolica", which consists of the following: 1 - To obtain a raw glazed tile, that is, in which one of the faces has glass but has not yet been cooked. 2- Create a drawing and pass it to parchment paper. 3 - Punch the whole drawing, with a pin, by the contour line on a plate of foam or sponge. 4- Place the drawing on the tile and pass a doll of very fine cloth (lady's sock), with charcoal milled over the perforation. The design will be printed on the white tile. 5- Remove the vegetable carefully and paint the motif, (with its own paint for raw glaze tile), using a soft brush. 6 - Bake in the ceramic oven at about 950 degrees.
click here to dowload the description of the activity:

Activity: creating a mask made of paper
Topic: Portuguese masks
Description. Cut the newspaper sheets into small pieces. Apply the glue in the balloon surface with a brush.
Cover it with the pieces of newspaper. Repeat the operation until you have five layers of paper in the balloon. Let it dry. WE CAN MAKE TWO MASKS WITH ONE BALLOON: to do this, draw a line that divides your surface and paint each half of the color that comes to use for each mask.
Remove the balloon by cutting it through the knot. It will be empty. Cut the paper balloon in the middle line and work each part of the balloon creating masks...
click here to dowload the description of the activity:

Activity: coloring Mandalas
Topic: art theraphy
- prepare the working table with printings of the attached Mandalas (or you can even look for others on google) and colored pencils
- briefly introduce to the users what are Mandalas
- put on a very relaxing music like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfcAVejslrU (it is known as the more relaxing music in the world)
- give the instructions for the relaxation exercise as in the attachment
- let the users to start to colour their Mandala
click here to dowload the description of the activity:

Activity: turning old CD in decorations/coasters for hot drinks
Topic: creative upcycling
What do you need:old CDs, wool in different colors (it is ok also to collect small leftover everybody has at home)
Follow the video tutorial for the proceedings:

13/06/2019 - 20/06/2019
Activity: creation of tea candle holders made with glass jars
Topic: creative upcycling
What do you need: glass jars (at least one per participant; glass painting; sponges; golden and silver permanent markers and acrylic paint
At first you need to clean the glass jars keeping away the paper they have (if you are using recycled ones from jam or the pickles). Dry them and paint with the glass painting using sponges instead of brushes. We suggest to paint each jar with just one colour or some nuances because the next step will be the decoration. Let the jars dry completely.
Now it's time to create decorations in arabic style. At first you can paint the upper side of the jars with golden or silver glass painting or acrylic and then start to decorate the jar with the markers. Here attached some examples of decorations that can be copied on the jars with carbon paper or they can be used just as inspiration
click here to dowload the examples of decorations in arabic style:

Activity: decoration of glass bottles with wool
Topic: creative upcycling
What do you need: empty glass bottles cleaned from the paper; some wool in different colours; vinilic glue; brushes
Put a strip of glue on the top of the bottle using brushes and start to roll the wool around it trying to create an homogeneous layer. Go on putting some glue and rolling the wool till you cover the whole bottle. Let it dry and then cover everything with glue and let it dry. Watch the video for a better understanding:
Activity: creation of flowers with flyers or newspapers
Topic: creative upcycling
What do you need: sheets of paper (from the flyers from the supermarket offers or news papers or magazines); skewer sticks; vinilic glue; brushes
At first it is necessary to create come paper straws (to be used for the creation of the stem, leaves and the central part of the flowers).
You have just to roll the paper around the stick, trying to make it as tight as possible, putting some glue with the brush from time to time and to fix the end of the paper. Take the stick away and your straw is ready. Consider that you will need 4-5 straws per flower, so you need to create many of them!
While the straws are drying you can start to prepare the flowers following the steps showed in this video, it's an origami flower. The video also shows how to glue the other parts of the flower made with the paper straws. For this we used a stronger glue called acetovinyl glue.
“Lebensspuren” (Traces of my Life)
Bremen January 2017
The exhibition is meant to show how persons with disability express their view and feelings with artistic means. The artists were quite free to set individual focus for this purpose and the result was a vast variety of ways and means though painting by people with disability coming from Germany, Italy, Romania and Portugal.

Giardino sensoriale:
una prospettiva internazionale
Palermo June 2019
The exhibition is meant to share and show how the partners conceived and realized the sensory gardens in their cities. The creastion of a sensory farden was one of the local activities of the project. So the exhibition showed 4 different experiences from 4 different countries (Italy, Germany, Portugal, Romania) through interesting photo shoots.