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Fundatia Crestina Diakonia Filiala Sfantu Gheorghe

The Christian Foundation Diakonia was established in 2002 by the Reformed Church of Transylvania in order to support people in need. In the next years the Foundation Diakonia opened local branches with own legal entity in different regions of Romania, like Sf. Gheorghe, Cluj Napoca, Targu Mures, Reghin and Brasov. 

The first great social project initiated by Diakonia was the home care service. At the moment the Foundation Diakonia Sf. Gheorghe runs home care services in more than 30 villages and 3 cities from county Covasna. 
Since 2006 it runs activity for PwD-s, in 2009 was built the 

diakonia grande
Éneklő szájak, táncoló talpak
traditional dance

Irisz House, Day- care Center for disabled people, with different kind of therapy development activities, like: music therapy, ludo-therapy, handy-crafts, swimming, theater-group, dancing (folkdance and modern dance), art therapy, etc. We have more social workshops for young adults with disabilities, like: second hand sorting workshop, Irisz Shop in two cities Sfantu Gheorghe and Covasna, carpentry, painter group, gardening group, social farm and gardening, a camp near Sfantu Gheorghe, toilet paper workshop, shelter home (at the moment 1 apartman for two PwD-s), etc. Since 2011 we have a Day- care Center for children in need from Sf. Gheorghe and since 2014 a Day Centre for Roma and socially disadvantaged children from Valea Crisului. At the moment it runs a project to support more the 200 school-children in 13 villages with warm meal and after-school program.

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