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 Associazione Uniamoci Onlus - project coordinator 

"Uniamoci Onlus" is a  no profit organization that works in the field of integration and social assistance of young/adult people with disability fostering their full inclusion in the society.


The Association was created in Palermo in 2008. The objectives of Associazione Uniamoci Onlus can be summarized as follows:

  • reach the epowerment of our users with disability with the develpment of soft and practical skills that can be spent in carrying out specific tasks in the work of the association and/or in the field of work

  • international coopreation in the fiel of social inclusion of people with disability

  • promotion of European mobility, active citizenship and volunteering

  • social awareness about inclusion



Our main activities are:

  • Offer of educational and socialization activities, in a group setting and pursuing personalized objectives, for young/adult people with disabilities, on a daily basis in our centre

  • creation of opportunities of Europen mobility for young people, young people with disability, volunteers and professionals in the social field through the implementation of stages abroad, youth exchanges, partnerships and projects about volunteering

  • hosting of transnational activities (youth exchanges, staff and student traings) where our users and volunteers are actively involved

  • management of the web radio "Senza Barriere" and editing of the newspaper "Disabile in...forma"

  • implementation of seminars, workshops and international conferences, realization and diffusion of video-spot, creation of pubblications and guide-books on  the theme of inclusion of people with disability and aising awareness activcities through the active involvement of volunteers and disabled people.


The Association received on free loan A PROPERTY CONFISCATED TO THE MAFIA by the Municipality of Palermo in the neighbourhood of Brancaccio; it  became the headquarter of Associazione Uniamoci Onlus and an aggregative center for the implementation of educational, cultural and social activities addressed to young/adult people with a physical disability in a multicultural environment.


From its creation till today, more than 100 young and adult people with disability benefited of the services provided from the Association. 

© 2016-19 by Associazione Uniamoci Onlus. Proudly created with 

The information and views set out in this website are those of the authors and neither the European Commission may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein. 

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