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Activities and results of the project

The project foresee the organization of 4 BLENDED MOBILITIES one by each partner organization.

Each blended mobility consists of 6 virtual meetings, where the hosting partners organize some learning sessions on the project topics for the learners from the other organizations connected via skype or via facebook streaming, and a physical mobility, wher4 learners and 2 accompanying persons per Country are hosted for 6 days by of the partner organization to have some real learning sessions on the topic of art and/as social inclusion.


Furthermore,there will be also some local activities implemented by the four groups of learners in the same period but all of them within their own organizations, while the workingmethods and results will be exchanged among the partners. Here a summary of the local activities of Art of Inclusion:


  • analysis of cultural sites/artistiacal objects to be found in the local area and how to encounter them with disabilities


  • deepening on local artists for the creation of reports


  • art wotkshops with artistic guidance


  • case studies about disability and art of life;


  • whorkshop about the European regulation and politicians and opinion leaders attitude about the art of creating a more and more inclusive society;


  • workshop about the possibilities to create an income from artistic and artisanal activities for people with disabilities;


  • comparisons about the state of social inclusion in the partner countries


Have a look on the report of the blended mobility hosted by DIAKONIE BREMEN

virtual mobilities
physical mobilities
local activities

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