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Second Transnational meeting in Bragança (Portugal)

The meeting was held on 19 and 20 September 2017 and it involved two participants from each partner organization. Two more days of intensive work in which we visited the partner organization and got new informations about their activities, shared the results of the last local actvities of the project and planned our further actions.

We had chance a look on the draft booklet about the local artists and each partner shared the pictures taken by the participants about the "hideen art" in their cities. We planned the final result of the local activity of reserch of the "hidden art" in the partner cities: the creation of postcarsds with the selected pictures and we discussed about the Art of Life - our next local actvity for the project.

Were fixed the dates for the blended mobility in Romania. Our Romanian partner presented the topic of it and the programme of the activities. We evaluated the project till now, talking about what was good and what can be better and we worked together to the interim report for our National Agency.

Finally we decided more or less when to hold the next transnational meeting and the blended mobility in Portugal.

A lot of work but we had time to visit the beautiful city of Bragança, to taste its good food and enjoy of the wonderful hospitality of our partner.

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