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1st Blended Mobility in Diakonie Bremen

Still running the first blended mobility of Art of Inclusion, managed by the German organization Diakonie Bremen. It is composed by 6 virtual and 1 physical meeting among the learners of the four partner organizations.

During the first virtual meeting Dagmar Welek from the Wichernhaus Bremen Day Centre for persons with psychic impairments teached to the international group of learners hoe to build 3D Greeting Cards for Christmas or "Weihnachtliche 3 D Karten gestalten" during a skype conference.

The second virtual meeting was still about the creation of postcards but with a different tecnique: decorating the paper with stencils created by affecting some soft cardboard with a tip and then impregnating it in color with the aid of a roller soaked in the paint.

The third one was a conference about the need of health care for the disabled refugees.

The fourth was again about art creation: "Art of Life" - art activity ispired to the German artist Friedensreich Hunderwasser's “Line of Hamburg”.

It can be considered somehow as the preparation for the physical mobility: from 16 to 21 January 6 participants from Italy, Romania and Portugal met in Bremen, hosted by Diakinie Bremen, in order to continue the learning process about art and inclusion with a lot of interesting art activities, meeting local artists and experiencing new tecniques.

Exciting and inspiring are the adjectives that better describe the meeting Bremen!And now it's time for the last two virtual meetings of this first blended mobility.

The fifth virtual meeting will be about Landscape painting with water colors (but what really happens depends certainly on the ideas of the participants): Marita Tretter, the artist will show ways to start such a picture and the learners from all the partners in facebook streaming will created their painting, together but in different Countries.

The sixth mobility will be a virtual tour in the Bremen “Doors of Justice” exhibition where several results of the work made during the physical mobility in Bremen meeting are visible; the learner will be also invited to join a drumming activity held by Rachel Strobel from Wichernhaus.

Below some pictures of these activities:

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